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Monthly Archives: November 2008

Between the 27th and 29th of November 2008 Students from the Bartlett School
of Architecture MSc AAC and EngD VEIV programmes will be presenting a
‘Marionette’ themed performance titled “Gravity, Pendulums, & Collisions” on
the ‘BIX’ Media Facade of Peter Cook & Colin Fournier’s Kunsthaus, Graz
Gallery, in Austria. As part of the Computing For Emergent Architecture
module run by Ruairi Glynn and Alasdair Turner, interactive virtual
marionettes have been built by the students in Processing, constructing a
series of acts to be broadcast out over the city and internet.

The performance can be viewed online here (best viewed at

The project, created with Michal Piasecki, is an assignment on Adaptive Architecture and Computation Course in UCL. The program written with processing 0148 Beta is prepared for display on the BIX facade of Kunsthaus in Graz on 27-29 November 2008.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Underwater Ballet on Vimeo“, posted with vodpod